cottleston news

Friday, August 22, 2008


We are trying to get all our stuff in one pile for the next few weeks so we can shove it all in the car to go skiing. Everyone has been a bit sniffly and snuffly as par for the course in winter so we're all looking forward to a holiday. We'll try to get on the blogg but with no phone line at the house and two small children to climb all over us at the internet cafe we know nobody will be worried if they don't hear from us for a week or two.
There is a 4.55 m base at Turoa this year - Ski ya heart out!

Love to all
Karen and Phil

Thursday, August 14, 2008

Lost (found) photos

Here are some photos I found on our old camera today when I uploaded the shots from Playcentre. Makes me realize just how fast they grow!
and look, they're not fighting!?!


This is Ali's egghead. inside the eggshell is damp cotton wool with mustard seeds sprinkled on which should grow into hair for the egghead.

We had plenty of fun at Playcentre today making sand saucers, string paintings, egg heads and other stuff. Ali's friend Karli was there so Ali had a great time playing shops and babies and running around screaming outside.
Dad worked this morning, popped in for a quick change and a shave, and then raced down to Auckland for more filming on 'Wizard's First Rule'. He's expected home around midnight.

This picture is from last week when we had a crazy hair day.

Wednesday, August 13, 2008


It was off to Mainly Music group this morning where both girls had lots of fun dancing with their friends. Everyone had a nap after lunch and then Ali and Lily spent the afternoon making mess and being bored! (unfortunately it was too wet and cold outside for snotty girls to play)

Monday, August 11, 2008


This morning we had playcentre where we made chocolate crackles for morning tea and enjoyed playing outside while the sun shined.

This afternoon we went to our first preschoolers gymnastics class. The kids had a wonderful time swinging on the ropes, balancing on the beams, rolling on the mats and generally running riot. we have enrolled for one term so we'll see how it goes.

These photos were taken during Lily's nap.

Thank heavens it's Monday

Ali is over the worst of the nasty chesty cough she's had the last few days though both girls still have runny noses. She was well enough to go to daycare today (staying home might have shortened her life with the way she was behaving this morning :-) and had fun playing with her friend Raylene.

Lily stayed home and played in the garden while Mum hung out copious amounts of washing. She enjoyed helping make some giant banana cakes to use up all the bananas we bought on special last week.

Here is a picture of the sparrows on our deck eating birdseed and peanut butter that we squished into a pinecone on a rainy day last week - it wasn't easy to stop the girls eating all the peanut butter (and birdseed!) before it got hung up for the birds.

Saturday, August 9, 2008


Dad was off down to Auckland at 4 am today to shoot some stuff for an American TV series so it was Mum and the girls on their own to do the groceries and general errand running in town today. Both girls were very well behaved even when Mum locked us all out of the car at the Warehouse carpark in the rain and had to beg the man from the wreckers across the road to break in for her.

We had a lovely dinner at a friends house last night and got home a bit late so everyone is a bit tired (and forgetful) today. Love to everyone. Especially thinking of you Renee. xxooxx.

These pictures are from Friday -

This is Ali's cute face that she pulled for the photo.

Wednesday, August 6, 2008


Yes we are all still alive. There have been a few more storms sweep through since the last blog post, the yard and the garden are all terribly soggy just like the rest of the North Island.
On the bright side the terrible tantrums from both girls have stopped and Mum's hair has started to grow back.
Ali and Lily have been enjoying playcentre, music group, daycare, trips to the beach with Dad and walking the dog. This is Lily amusing herself with the dolls house while Ali was at daycare on Monday.