A big thanks to Rosie who did the most recent post!
The kids have been taking turns being sick (sleeping all afternoon on the sofa while running a temperature) for the last 8 days and so there haven't been many happy photo opportunities. Finally the daily after-school swimming lessons have finished and I have done all the beginning of year paperwork for Playcentre that I need to do so hopefully I can get onto it again!
Last weekend Phil went down to see Top Gear with Noel. We were all supposed to go to Ak for the weekend but Lily spiked another temp so I stayed in Waipu with her. Rosie very kindly looked after Ali while the big boys drooled over the cool cars and marvelled at the synchonised driving displays. Rosie took the pictures at Northhead and very cleverly managed to post them on the blog as well. Meanwhile I sat at home and watched Lily sweat on the sofa!
The weekend before that we went to see Oma Mary (my Oma) for her birthday on Valentines day. She was in good spirits and we had a lovely visit with lots of choccy bikkies and cake for morning tea - just as well birthdays are only once a year!
Ali is still loving school. Her new teacher Mrs Finn is a very kindly lady who doesn't take any nonsense and Ali thinks she is even better than last year's teacher. Lily has been feeling a bit left out - going to the pools for Ali's lesson and not being able to swim, and then not getting to go to Ak this past weekend was a bit of a blow, so I have promised her a trip just her and Mum one day soon.
This weekend we'll be off down to Piha again. Friends from Auckland will be meeting us there to camp for a couple of nights. Buddy is allowed to come with us so it should be an extra special trip. Sorry about the recent lack of photos I'll put the camera in my handbag and start snapping again tomorrow!
cheers Karen