Yesterday we went into town with Oma and Opa John to the pools and then to do groceries. Ali's favourite part was climbing out and then jumping into the water. She was getting really good at floating on her back as well.

This morning we made bead necklaces before we went to Mainly Music. Ali chose her own clothes and Lily's, and Mum's clothes as well. Oma and Opa John met us at Music and did well with the parachute and the drums(maybe they've been practising at home). Afterwards we popped down to the park to check out the new playground. When we got home Lily had a nap and Ali did puzzles and games with Mum and Oma. Ali and Lily both had a go at making tiny teddy bikkies out of gingerbread dough, they did pretty well except that silly Mum left them in the oven too long and they came out as toasty teddies.
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