cottleston news

Saturday, April 26, 2008


It was off to the farmers market for super fresh fruit and veges first thing this morning and then a leisurely breakfast, browsing and 20 book-out-loud-reading at the library. We managed to sneak in a grocery shop before the kids had a total meltdown and fell asleep in the car on the way home.

The best line of the day went to Ali (she has good odds since she talked non-stop for most of it). She pronounced that Lily was a "Funny bubble muppet" when they had a bath together. Unfortunately the bubble muppet and her big sister wouldn't pose nicely for a photo so there is none today.

Just to let everyone know that our dog has been renamed "Jecta" and Ali will henceforth be known as "Pressca" because she presses things. We have two new pets, they are unicorns, called Tania and Fiona, and they sleep in Pressca's bed.

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