Opa Noel's Birthday was last weekend so we caught up for a family picnic at Wenderholm. Aunty Jane brought sons Jordy and Lachlan along for a beautiful day at the beach. The kids enjoyed climbing the big pohutukawa tree next to our picnic spot. Ali has blue lips in this picture because she and Jordy had just been boogie boarding in the waves for ages before this shot was taken.

Opa Noel said he didn't want to have a birthday because he's not going to get any older from now on, so we made him a special T-shirt that he can wear all year round.

After everyone else left we stayed on since it was such a lovely day and we weren't worried about getting stuck in the new motorway tunnel traffic jam. We had a wander around the park, Ali and Lily hunted little crabs as girls do, and then we all had a swim before it was time to go.

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