Whilst some of our relatives are enjoying themselves in Europe we are having our own fun right here in Aotearoa, marvelling at the wonders of nature and our dear girls. On Saturday Ali had her ears pierced, after asking for about a year. We also bought some tights and boots for her to wear to school now that the cooler weather has finally arrived. She's very happy with herself right now but it hasn't stopped her asking for more, just to find our financial and emotional limits I suppose. well she found em'. Lily meanwhile is content to be her jolly little self. She'd just as soon as pick up a wee snail and keep it as her pet for a day as have anything new in the way of footwear or jewellery. Good thing too or we'd be in receivership by now. We had to go to Auckland yesterday while Ali was at school for a fleeting visit and managed to drop in to see Opa Noel and Granny Rosie. Whilst Noel was giving one of his premier clown performances Lily grasped my leg and said to me "Daddy, I don't understand him". Her vocabulary is coming along. Photos this week show Ali's new earring and our Monarch caterpillar/chrysallis. Three weeks today until we leave for OZ.
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