cottleston news

Wednesday, March 2, 2011

The Honeymoon

It might have taken us 12 years to get married but  I wasn't going to wait for another 12 for a honeymoon so when Mum and John offered to look after the kids so we could go, we jumped at the chance.  We spent one night in Auckland, dining at a gorgeous french cafe (avoiding the Il Mee Korean BBQ) and staying at a lovely hotel.  Then it was up early to catch the ferry to Great Barrier.  We had loaded up the car with french chanpagne, olives, cheeses and dips - plus all our camping gear.  The next week was spent fishing, walking, golfing, reading and drinking bubbly.  It has been a bit of a rude shock to come home and back into being a Mum trying to keep all the plates spinning on the sticks at once :-) but I have finally caught up the washing and got my diary back in order today, a week since we got back!  Hey, I'm even catching up on the blog!

1 comment:

Dave and Robyn said...

what a great looking place - hope you lapped it up