Our usual Saturday shopping expedition was moved to Sunday and with some careful additions to the usual travelling kit (about 40 kilos of crap!) we were all set to do our grocery shop and scoot off to the pool for a fun afternoon. And fun it was too! Whangarei has a new "Aquatic Centre". you couldn't call it just a pool really. It consists of a wave pool, a lap pool, two toddlers pools, a spa pool, a diving pool, two waterslides etc, etc......... get the picture? It's just about all indoors too and heated to varying degrees (literally!) so to coin a tired old cliche, there's something for everyone. Lily managed to dunk herself about four times. It's quite amazing to watch. She goes under and just sits on the bottom with a startled look on her face and makes no attempt to push herself up to the surface! This is in Mum's or Dad's arms of course, not nearly as scary as it sounds. Honest. Anyway, Lily seems to have learned to hold her breath and she kicked up a heck of a stink when it came time to get her out of the water.
This was taken care of by a giant icecream. Remember that kids? Hot afternoons, lots of swimming, Mum and Dad dragging you away screaming and then..........ICECREAM!! And would you believe they slept in the car all the way home?