Both girls slept in this morning after their late night. Mum and Dad even managed to enjoy a sunrise and a cup of coffee together before the children woke up.
Ali went off to Poppies daycare where she drew an amazing octopus with 8 legs. Lily stayed home with Mum and helped in the garden by trying to put a snail up her nose by hooking it out of it's shell with her finger and inserting it in her nose, Mum wasn't very happy about that.
This evening we had fun watching Buddy, Lily and Davina (the sex-change chicken) on the front porch. Lily was following Davina at a respectful distance trying to feed her and pat her. Buddy was feeling a bit left out and jealous of all the scraps of pasta Davina was receiving. But it seems he is not keen to take on a chicken. Probably a good idea since we have a rule about pets not eating other pets.
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