Alright, Karen is busy tonight with her playcentre work so it's my turn again . The girls were both playing happily with Mum when I left for work at 7.45am and when I arrived home at 5.00pm THEY looked happy enough but Karen looked like she was REALLY READY to go to Yoga, so she did! Apparently our neighbour Yvonne came over with her daughter Clare earlier today and they all had a riot of a time. Wish I could say the same for my day painting. Enamelling wooden window frames takes forever! Never mind, it was good to come home and have Sushi for dinner which Karen had prepared (as she always does on a Thursday) before heading off to Yoga. Ali ate all of hers and Lily had a great wrestle with the seaweed, then tore the guts out of it and stuffed the rice and filling into her mouth! This photo shows the girls lying on the kitchen floor in front of the oven as Karen tries to prepare dinner!
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