cottleston news

Monday, October 31, 2011

Paris day 3

Today we got off to a bit of a late start although it seems everyone else here does the same so we didn't feel too bad.  We walked to the Gare L'Est station and caught the hop-on/hop-off tour bus to see all the sights and get our orientation of the city.  It was a beautiful sunny day and it was just delightful to be sitting on the top of the bus admiring Paris while someone else did the driving.

 Our first stop was the church of St Madeleine where we wandered around the exclusive shops, had a quiet peek in the church and some lunch on the stairs at the front.  Then we walked to the Place de la Concorde where we ogled at the fountains and obelisk with the other tourists.  Having seen it in  pictures we were both still surprised by how big the area was.

 We jumped back on the bus then and saw the Louvre, Notredam Cathedral, and the Sacre Couer (check the spelling) before we ended up back on the Champs Elysees where there was still a queue for the Louis Vuitton store :-)    After a circuit around the Arc de Triomphe the bus took us to the Eifel Tower.  It was really magic to be there on such a lovely sunny day and we took lots of pictures.

1 comment:

The Spencers said...

The gold statues atop of the building against a brilliant blue sky and a vibrant big red bus in the foreground make this stunning photo. Shame about all those stinking, litter-dropping people with their cars in your way. How rude!!