cottleston news

Tuesday, November 1, 2011

Paris day 3 or 4

The view towards the Natural History Museum
We have reached the point of our holiday where we have lost track of the days!  This morning we started the day with the most divine almond pastry and set of on the metro to catch the hop-on/hop-off bus again.  It took us around the Bastille and the Ile de Cite to the Plantes de Jardin where we got off for a wander around.  It was still lovely and sunny while we wandered around the gardens.  They were very pretty and we enjoyed the wide alleys of trees with statues and flower beds leading up to the Natural History Museum (closed on Tuesdays unfortunately)

we loved this deconstructed snowman in the Jardin des Plantes

Le Jardin des Plantes

It started to rain just as we jumped back on the bus but it was a little crowded so we took the opportunity to finish our tour of Paris and begin shopping at the next stop!  It really was a great hardship and we had so much trouble finding anything to buy and I really felt quite sorry for us but we made the best of a tough situation.  Eventually, persistence paid off and we managed to come back to the hotel with many bags of shopping :-)

Phil you will be pleased to know that Michel's French lessons have paid off.  This afternoon at a cafe when I tried to ask if we could have two coffees in my appalling, halting French the waiter looked puzzled, scratched his head and said "Now let me think... yes of course, you can have two coffees, where would you like to sit? inside or outside?" in English better than mine.  Oh how embarrassing!

We caught the Metro home since we are getting quite good at navigating around the city on our own now.  We had a restorative coffee in our room then we went out for dinner at Chez Papa.  The waiter spoke English with such a beautiful French accent that we both swooned.  The food was most delicious and we are wondering if we will have to buy new trousers with elastic waistbands tomorrow.

We are having trouble uploading photos with this internet connection.  I'll keep on trying :-)

1 comment:

Megan and Dave said...

love the pics oh how i wish to see gardens...sigh