cottleston news

Wednesday, September 30, 2009

Good morning

Everyone is feeling better today! Ali climbed into bed and gave Lily a big cuddle this morning and said "I love you Lily... and then you have to say I love you Ali... and then I will say, I love you too Lily" You can't see much of Ali in the second picture because she's drinking her chocolate drink.

A special Happy Birthday with hugs and kisses to Opa today. Congratulations, it's not every day you turn 93!

School Holidays

In what is becoming something of a tradition, the first week of the school holidays has been rain, wind and sick miserable children. Ali has been alright (she got sick for the last week of school instead) so she has been drawing pictures, making books and watching movies. But Lily has been coughing, nose running, crying, cuddling and sleeping for the last six days.

Saturday, September 26, 2009

Hi Hi Hi, another beautiful Sunday

It was much nicer weather today so we got outside and made sand saucers in preparation for when Ali goes back to school in a fortnight. The most important thing is how you hold your mouth:-)

The scarlet runner beans have been planted in Ali's little garden. We picked some lemon balm, mint and pineapple sage out of there this morning and made a pot of herb tea which the girls drank, much to my surprise. Later on while I was tending to Sausage, the cow, I returned to the house to find the children looking a bit suspicious. On investigation it turned out they had managed to get Buddy's basket, food and water into the spare chicken coop along with Buddy who was looking a little sorry for himself and was very pleased to be let out.

Saturday - Playcentre Gala

It was Playcentre's 50th birthday gala day and although it persisted down with rain and drizzle there was a good turn-out. Ali and Lily had their faces painted and loved what may have been their second ever taste of candyfloss. Lily is still not very well so she spent most of the day sleeping on Dad or Mum's shoulder, even managing to fall asleep while having her face painted (is this child abuse?) and standing up (twice).

Here you can see what happens to face paint in the rain or as our neighbour Mel said "What happens to butterflies when they hit the windshield"

Here is Asher washing off Ali's butterfly face- fast forward 15 years and this will be them in the toilets at some nightclub fixing one another's makeup after too much sweaty dancing!

Wednesday, September 23, 2009


Lily slept quite a bit today, and when she was awake she was snuggling with Mum, needless to say we missed playcentre and got nothing done around the house - c'est la vie.

Ali went to school and did "Jump Jam" aerobics so she must be feeling a bit better. Although, after she got home and did her homework she curled up on the sofa with Lily to watch Benji (everyone's favourite family movie) for the hundredth time.


Lily had great fun at daycare. She is quite entranced with the turtles which she was allowed to feed today. Kiwi the pony was not there but they had printed out a picture of Lily riding Kiwi last week. If I can figure out how to scan it into the correct program I'll post it here later. Ali was back at school after having Friday, Monday and Tuesday off. She has had a bug that laid out half her class at school and this afternoon Lily came down with it, they are so cute when they are sick....

Tuesday, September 22, 2009

Photos from the weekend

It was a bit of a crazy weekend but our second trip to Auckland (on Sunday/Monday) to pick up Phil was a little better planned than the 3am trip on Friday morning :-) We managed to pop in for morning tea with Oma Mary (Karen's Grandmother) and the girls enjoyed scoffing chocolate bikkies and then bouncing around with too much sugar in them! Then Opa Noel looked after the kids while Mum dashed to the airport to pick up Dad. He was pretty wrung out after a long weekend of travelling but it was good to see his Mum and the rest of his family.

Friday, September 18, 2009

Pictures for Grandma

Here are Lily's new togs

Ali's new haircut, super-short for summer so her neck doesn't get hot and itchy!

Ali and Asher from next-door.


Wednesday, September 9, 2009


Lily was pretty tired for this story.
After staying the night at Opa Noel's house we got up early to hunt for bargains at the Avondale markets. The girls were entranced by this bizarre contraption that made music.
After finding said bargains we headed off to the zoo. It was a beautiful day (Mum even got a touch of sunburn) The spider monkeys were the favourites this time with their charming antics, swinging through the trees, stretching, washing and fighting over the food:-) They even inspired some monkey behaviour from our two.

Friday, September 4, 2009

Now we are three!

Lily's Birthday

Since she turned three today Lily will no longer smile obligingly for the camera like she would last month!

Lily was very excited to receive her blocks, books and puzzles this morning along with a King size bar of chocolate from her big sister. This afternoon her friends Claire and Manpha (Samantha) came for afternoon tea to help her celebrate.

Cheers to everyone who sent cards (and Money!) It has been a real thrill for a little girl to receive so much mail.

Tommorrow it is off to Ak to catch up with grandparents and great grandparents:-) Our phone is not working due to telecom's industrial relations problems so apologies to anyone who called today and didn't get through. It should be fixed on Friday:-)