cottleston news

Tuesday, March 23, 2010

Ali's 6th birthday

Sorry the blog is a bit slow, we've all been here there and everywhere for a wee while. Thanks to Oma Ali for the last post. You Grandparents are really getting the hang of this interweb thingi.

Yesterday was Ali's birthday. We didn't have a party yet,a pajama party was planned and has been rescheduled for the school holidays. However we did get Guinea Pigs (after calling around every pet shop in Auckland!) Ali has called hers "Cutie" and Lily named hers "Lulla". They are gorgeous, just 6 weeks old, and quite tame. The girls have been spending lots of time holding and stroking them.CutieLulla
Thank you so much to everyone who sent cards and gifts. Ali was so excited to receive so much mail and so many presents.

Monday, March 22, 2010

Lunch at Warkworth

Last week, several members of Karen's family got together for lunch at Warkworth. Aunty Taya was visiting from Melbourne and she brought Opa Theo and Oma Mary up for the drive. These are some of the photos.

Tuesday, March 16, 2010

Ali's school camp

Ali had a great time at camp. We spent time learning about the mangroves, dune systems and shoreline of Mangawhai. After all that was done we had an awesome time learning golf, kayaking, riding the flying fox, speeding down the water slide, and having rides behind the quad bike. On Thursday night there was a newspaper fashion parade, then on Friday it was all over and Ali was exhausted.

Sunday, March 7, 2010

Sunny Sunday afternoon

What a glorious weekend! Saturday morning we popped into the local markets on our way to surf-lifesaving and picked up a gorgeous pink hydrangea to plant next to the playhouse. Ali had a great time at lifesaving then we came home and got ourselves sorted for a BBQ at Todd's house overlooking the sea at Langs Beach. We walked down to Ding Bay where Ali and I had a swim in the big waves, we collected some mussels for the BBQ (yuk! but everyone else liked them) then poked around the rock pools for a bit. We got home just in time for a bright orange Sydney bushfire type sunset and then all of a sudden it was dark and bedtime for the girls.

We just puttered around at home today. I just checked my to-do list and I didn't even manage one thing to cross off so it must have been a good day. The girls did help me plant some lettuces and silverbeet. They also helped tidy up the house and Ali even vacuumed the whole lot.

I spoke to Phil today, it sounds like he had a very pleasant day getting lost in and around Christchurch, meandering around the city centre, the Avon river, Cathedral Square and the Cathedral of course. With luck he has taken some photos to post when he gets back.

Their swing was taken down to be replaced for safety reasons but I haven't got to Bunnings for a new one yet so I moved the monkey bars to where the swing usually hangs. While I wasn't watching the girls tied a skipping rope to it so they can both swing on it at the same time. They have been playing this game a lot today and I took these photos this afternoon. It looks terribly dangerous but they aren't very far off the ground and they can't swing very high with it like this so I've got the arnica ready for any bruises and I've just been watching carefully to make sure they don't hurt one another.

Thursday, March 4, 2010

Hi Everyone

Not much news but I thought I'd say Hi anyway. Phil spent the day in a field of spinach in Pukekohe (south of Auckland) extolling the virtues of frozen vegetables instead of fresh for an American TV commercial.

I took Lily back to the Dr, her ear is clearing up and she starts on some new antibiotics today. She seems happy enough but it's hard not to be a neurotic mother! Ali was very happy today because her friend from next door came to play, unfortunately they didn't play very nicely with Lily but I'm not sure what anyone can do about that.
The above creations were made by Ali earlier in the week.

I haven't planned much for the weekend. Phil has another audition on Saturday and flies down to Christchurch on Sunday to extol the virtues of beans!