cottleston news

Thursday, February 28, 2008

It's the weekend!!!

All the girls went off to the beach today together with other Mums and their kids from playcentre. They made a giant starfish in the sand although from the photo, you'd be doing well to guess that. One of the girls, Kayla, had her last day with the playcentre crew as she is off to school next week and so Megan brought a cake which everyone thoroughly enjoyed. Ali talks about school all the time which is a bit worrying as she won't get to go for another year yet. Never mind, she'll be well and truly ready when she finally hits the big 5!!

Wednesday, February 27, 2008


Today we went to playcentre. One of the mums brought a water slide which was set up on the grass and the kids had a great time running under the hose, shrieking with delight and sliding along the plastic.

Ali and Lily did handprints for a mural the kids are all doing together.

Lily spent ages playing in the water-trough with our neighbour Claire (18 mo). This avo Lily had a big nap and Ali helped with gardening and drying the dishes until Mum went to Yoga.

Tuesday, February 26, 2008

Wunnerful Wednesday

This morning the girls went to Mainly Music for singing and dancing with their friends. Lily was a bit tired but Ali had fun. Afterwards we went to the beach and our friends Michelle and her daughter Karli joined us there. It was a lovely sunny day and once again we had the beach to ourselves... I guess everyone else was at work.

Once we got home the girls were tuckered out. Lily had a big sleep in her cot and to my surprise Ali dropped off on the sofa. She was sitting there very quietly and then I looked over and she was asleep. Ali hasn't had a daytime nap for ages - maybe I should take them to the beach more often.

Monday, February 25, 2008

T'riffic Tuesday

Karen says the stuff we do everyday is just boring so I am now throwing open the arena for suggestions! Yes that's right. Simply make a suggestion as to how the stuff we do could be more exciting and you could be the lucky winner of an all expenses paid trip for two to a destination of your choice, anywhere in the world for as long as you like!!! Then again, you might not. Simply click on the word, "comments" at the end of each blog and type in your suggestion. All comments are strictly confidential*. The judges decision is final^ and no correspondence will be entered into~. To be eligible for this competition you must provide your credit card number, the banking details of your account with the most money in it and possibly your neighbours' as well.
And now to todays exciting events. Karen cleaned and cooked, I went painting, Ali went to Michelle's house to play with Karli and Lily chased chickens.

*NOT ^Maybe ~Sometimes

Minty Monday

"Kindness is giving hugs to your sister". At least that's what Ali told me this evening. It seems they have her on the right track at Small Poppies, the daycare centre where she spent most of today. I went for a surf after work today so I didn't get to see the little ones until very late. Karen is looking relaxed and cheerful so the break must have done her some good too! No new photos today but we're sure to have some shortly, meanwhile it's nose down, ass up as we try to bring our rampant kikuyu under control and repair all the herbiferous damage wrought by the last high winds. Alright, I'm babbbling, better get to bed.

Saturday, February 23, 2008

4 Seasons in One Day

Despite the wind and rain we headed off to the beach today. It had stopped raining when we arrived but there were big waves from the last few days of storm rolling in. Lots of other people were down the beach watching the waves too. Buddy had a great time sniffing everything and running. Lily had to taste test the seaweed of course and Ali helped put some in buckets to take home for the garden. Dad was pleased that Lily is the tall enough to hold his finger as she walked along without him having to stoop. 'Magic' was the word he used but unfortunately I couldn't catch it on film.

When we returned home the weather fined up beautifully for a spot of gardening (it's all looking a bit sad after the wind) and hanging out the washing. The girls had fun playing in the garden with Dad and then when it was dinner time it rained again.

Friday, February 22, 2008

Ali's Felt Picture

I promised Ali I would post a copy of this felt picture that she did a few days ago, but, there were some problems with the file format so it's taken me until now ;-)


Well it was a bit gloomy outside today with high winds and persistent rain. The girls were kept amused indoors with playdough, collage, painting, felt pictures, baking and a game Ali invented called "Marvelous Goats" which I couldn't quite get the gist of.

Dad finished work a bit early (it being Saturday and all), so we got to spend the afternoon together. He took some of the photos today. He is also responsible for Ali's special hairstyle. He did one for Lily first and then Ali wanted one just the same as her sister.

Ps Thanks to Oma for the date loaf recipe, it worked perfectly first time.

Totally Frazzled Friday!

We made it to the end of the week but only just. Mum and Dad were both feeling a bit run down with colds and some nights without enough sleep and Ali and Lily thought this would be the right time to take advantage of the situation, hit em' when they're down! Consequently, no postings on the blog last night and if there was a photo it probably would have been one of everyone with their hands around each other's throats. To compound the general 'stir crazy' feeling we have high wind and rain so we can't even send the little darlings outside to play. Dad however has the perfect solution. I'm off to work!! P.S. If you haven't already guessed, the date postings are incongruos because the blogsite is based in the states. Today is Saturday.

Wednesday, February 20, 2008

Alright, Karen is busy tonight with her playcentre work so it's my turn again . The girls were both playing happily with Mum when I left for work at 7.45am and when I arrived home at 5.00pm THEY looked happy enough but Karen looked like she was REALLY READY to go to Yoga, so she did! Apparently our neighbour Yvonne came over with her daughter Clare earlier today and they all had a riot of a time. Wish I could say the same for my day painting. Enamelling wooden window frames takes forever! Never mind, it was good to come home and have Sushi for dinner which Karen had prepared (as she always does on a Thursday) before heading off to Yoga. Ali ate all of hers and Lily had a great wrestle with the seaweed, then tore the guts out of it and stuffed the rice and filling into her mouth! This photo shows the girls lying on the kitchen floor in front of the oven as Karen tries to prepare dinner!

Tuesday, February 19, 2008

Check out our Tomatoes


Mainly Music day today. We were a bit late owing to some poor behaviour (mostly on the part of the children) but we made up for it with enthusiasm once we arrived. Afterwards we popped into the library and trawled both the op-shops. Ali found a dress and a sparkly blue hat to add to her dress-ups collection and Mum found an old picnic basket to keep them in. Above is a picture of the dress.

When we got home we read all the library books and got out the other dress-up clothes. Ali had fun pretending to be a ballarina.

Monday, February 18, 2008

Tuesday Snuffles

Ali's friend Karli came to play today, both girls were very busy all day although I'm not sure what they were up to. This is Michelle reading a pony story to Ali, Lily, Karli and big sister Summer when she came to pick up Karli this afternoon

Wayne the farmer's new dog came and grabbed a mouthful of tail feathers off our nice speckly chicken (her name is Speckle) so I guess the chooks won't be free ranging so much anymore.

Oh dear, Mum has sinusitis and didn't get much sleep last night so it's a short blog tonight.
8:15 pm time for bed. Hopefully I'll feel better tomorrow.

Sunday, February 17, 2008

Mom's sanity Monday

Alida went to Poppies daycare today. Somehow she managed to come home with blue hair, she says they were all painting a big fish together. I hope this isn't the beginning of a punk rocker phase.

Lily-anne got to help with baking for the first time. She had lots of fun mixing a small bowl of flour, water and sugar into a big mess and smearing it all over the bench while Mum made a terrible batch of muffins at the other end of the bench.

Saturday, February 16, 2008

Sunday at the Pool.

Our usual Saturday shopping expedition was moved to Sunday and with some careful additions to the usual travelling kit (about 40 kilos of crap!) we were all set to do our grocery shop and scoot off to the pool for a fun afternoon. And fun it was too! Whangarei has a new "Aquatic Centre". you couldn't call it just a pool really. It consists of a wave pool, a lap pool, two toddlers pools, a spa pool, a diving pool, two waterslides etc, etc......... get the picture? It's just about all indoors too and heated to varying degrees (literally!) so to coin a tired old cliche, there's something for everyone. Lily managed to dunk herself about four times. It's quite amazing to watch. She goes under and just sits on the bottom with a startled look on her face and makes no attempt to push herself up to the surface! This is in Mum's or Dad's arms of course, not nearly as scary as it sounds. Honest. Anyway, Lily seems to have learned to hold her breath and she kicked up a heck of a stink when it came time to get her out of the water.
This was taken care of by a giant icecream. Remember that kids? Hot afternoons, lots of swimming, Mum and Dad dragging you away screaming and then..........ICECREAM!! And would you believe they slept in the car all the way home?

Friday, February 15, 2008

Trip to the beach

It wasn't very promising weather today but Ali was very insistent we go to the beach. Dad was working so Mum packed up all the gear and off we went. It was raining when we arrived so we had a brisk walk along the beach and back to the car. It was still raining but Ali wanted to play in the sand so Mum got out the buckets and we set off. Then it cleared up and turned into a beautiful day for a few hours. There was a pool that was just right for the girls to paddle in and they had a wonderful time. Ali found a bucketful of treasures and then it was time for Lily's nap so we headed off just before the rain came again.


We popped into Playcentre and the Library today but Lily-pop wasn't feeling too good so we came home for more naps. It seems like it's just teeth, the bonjela and panadol helped, and she just napped and cuddled all day.

Ali and Mum spent the nap times making sand-saucers (flowers and greenery poked into a dish of sand) reading stories and making necklaces with beads. This evening Dad came home and opened up his valentines coconut and Ali had a turn drinking the milk inside.

Wednesday, February 13, 2008

Oma's Birthday

Today was Oma's birthday so Mum packed the kids in the car early and drove carefully (in the regular direction) down to Auckland to deliver a birthday cake. We popped in first to see Opa Noel who was in good spirits and I managed to snap a rare picture of him not pulling faces. Thankyou for the easter eggs and cup of tea Opa Noel. We love you!

Next stop was Oma's house where Ali sang a very sweet version of "Happy Birthday" on our arrival. We shared a nice lunch and Oma taught the cake a lesson with a sharp knife. Ali and Lily-anne had fun playing with the cats toys and generally being too loud and boisterous. Opa was in good form as well :-) We love you Oma and Opa. xxxooxxx
ps Opa I look forward to returning your Mother and Child next year.

Tuesday, February 12, 2008


Mainly Music started back again this morning. It's a music group for preschoolers run by the local church. Ali and Lily had fun catching up with friends and dancing to their old favourite songs again. I thought they had forgotten the crocodile one but now they've heard it they'll be 'snapping' at one another again, this would be a terrific game if it involved less screaming and they played it outside.

This evening we got some more pictures of the kids and the baby chickens. Its probably a sign that we should watch more television. This is the first corn out of our garden, three cobs were beautiful and sweet but the fourth was terrible so we fed it to the chooks;-)

Tuesday 12.2.08

We had a busy morning at playcentre today. When we got home Lily had a big nap and Ali helped plant marigolds in the garden. When Lily woke up both girls took turns letting the baby chickens (6weeks old) eat out of their hands.

This evening Ali entertained us all by 'reading' The Little Yellow Digger books that we got out of the library 2 weeks ago. She remembers more of the words than Mum or Dad which is pretty cool.

Sunday, February 10, 2008

Monday again

Both girls slept in this morning after their late night. Mum and Dad even managed to enjoy a sunrise and a cup of coffee together before the children woke up.

Ali went off to Poppies daycare where she drew an amazing octopus with 8 legs. Lily stayed home with Mum and helped in the garden by trying to put a snail up her nose by hooking it out of it's shell with her finger and inserting it in her nose, Mum wasn't very happy about that.

This evening we had fun watching Buddy, Lily and Davina (the sex-change chicken) on the front porch. Lily was following Davina at a respectful distance trying to feed her and pat her. Buddy was feeling a bit left out and jealous of all the scraps of pasta Davina was receiving. But it seems he is not keen to take on a chicken. Probably a good idea since we have a rule about pets not eating other pets.

Another Sunny Sunday

We spent the day tootling around the house, cleaning and cooking and tidying. There was rain forecast but we only got one very heavy shower (15mm in 10 min) which would be great except we're on tank water supplied from our roof and we needed more than that.

Ali and Lily watched more than their share of the Wiggles and Mary Poppins. New friends Clayton, Anneke and their delightful children Hayley and Jayden came for dinner and we had a very pleasant evening. Now it's past my bedtime so I'd better go help Phil with the dishes:-)

Friday, February 8, 2008

Shopping day

This morning we went into town to the farmer's market, the playground and then the supermarket. When we got home Ali was helping put the groceries away when she spotted the remains of Phil's dinner from last night. "What's this crap fish?" she demanded and then "Can I touch it?". Ali and Lily took turns at touching the "crap fish" for the rest of the afternoon. Phil was very disappointed when he got home from work and had to share his special treat with two hungry girls.

Thursday, February 7, 2008


Phil went for a surf this morning and caught his first ever barrel. Right now he's scoffing scallops, drinking champagne and there is crayfish to follow. It's OK if you like that sort of thing I guess.

Ali went to playcentre this morning while Mum and Lily went home - Lily for a nap and Mum for paperwork. Ali says she had fun in the sandpit and had two goes on the swings.

This afternoon was a bit of fun. There was a running battle between Ali and Lily with snatching, hair pulling and eye gouging. If Lily lives up to her current promise she'll be an All Black by the time she's 18.

Now at last they've gone to bed and all that remains for us to do tonight is move the chicken coop.

Wednesday, February 6, 2008

Playcentre Resumes

Our neighbour 'Wayne the farmer' was moving cows past our gate this morning. We went up to get Buddy who was barking his head off and liable to start a stampede. Wayne introduced us to Oscar, a 2 yr old ex calf club cow who was very keen to say hello and get a pat. Lily thought it was a bit scary to see a cow quite that close up although she likes to watch them across the paddock

Today was Ali and Lily's first day back at Playcentre for the year. The girls had fun catching up with friends that they missed over the holidays. Lily had missed the water trough and the paint in particular. Mum was busy catching up with the paperwork, planning for the term ahead, and catching up with all the gossip of course.

This afternoon Lily and Ali played together making "dinner" out of sand with their tea set and pretend kitchen.

Tuesday, February 5, 2008

Busy Home Day

This morning Ali surprised us both. She had a bowl of cereal and fruit and Mum was just getting the milk when Ali pipes up with "Where's my bloody milk?". This is not the first time Ali has used colourful language. We can only conclude that this use of language has come from her great grandfather, Opa. But is it genetic or learned behaviour?

We had a busy home day today. While Lily napped Ali helped with making a chocolate cake. We did collage and then made birdie puppets. After lunch the girls helped dig over the garden and move the compost. Then they had fun playing chookies on the bank next to the kitchen as Mum got tea ready.

Monday, February 4, 2008


We went into town today to the new pools. They have some shallow pools for the littlies (0.3m) and a big wave pool with a shallow end where the waves wash up over the path. There is also a spa pool and water slides which we didn't get to go on today. We met our friends Karli (3) Summer (5) and Michelle (mom) and had a lovely time swimming and fighting over the floaties and nearly drowning and fighting over the floaties some more. We had a picnic lunch at the pools and then did some more swimming! Ali liked the big wavy pool where Mummy held her hand best and Lily liked tootling around in the warm shallow pool. It's after dinner now and my fingers are still wrinkly so it must have been a good swim - or I'm just getting old.

Sunday, February 3, 2008

Mundane Monday

Poor Dad had to go to work today:-( Ali went to Poppies Daycare which she protests about and says she doesn't want to go and then has a great time when she's there. Today they had tadpoles and frogs in a big tank which all the kids found fascinating. Ali tells us she touched a dead octopus today, it was just a little one and it felt slimy. What are they teaching our children I wonder? Buddy came to daycare to visit which Ali was pretty pleased about.

Lily had a fun day at home with Mum's undivided attention. She was pointing at the cows, saying moo and doing her sign for cow with fingers on her head for horns, we were reading a pony book at the time.

This evening we all took Buddy for a walk around the block and then it was bed time for everyone, which must be why I can hear them giggling now.

Saturday, February 2, 2008

Sunday Sunday

Today the girls woke at us at 6am, which is not an unusual occurrence. Phil had coffee and read a book in bed (which was the highlight of his day!)

Ali helped chop up the zucchinis from our garden to make pickles this morning and did the dishes this afternoon. When we went to visit our neighbour Verryl to deliver some pickles Ali was adamant that she had to wear pants or shorts under her skirt. "I'm a bit allergic to skirts without pants under them" she said.

Lily also has funny ideas about appropriate attire, choosing to go swimming in her clothes again.

Friday, February 1, 2008

Saturday 2nd Feb 2008

This morning Phil went for a surf (except there was none) and the rest of us went to the local markets to buy dolls clothes, proper damson plum jam and more plants for the garden. This avo was dedicated to dressing up the dollies and visiting neighbours Paul and Patrice. Now at last the children have quieted down and we have managed to set up their blog, it's only 8:15. Must be time to put our feet up.

OR so we thought... Ali just got up to tell us that she is practicing tying her hair up and she just needs her tiara she does and can you pass it over... so much for being asleep

First Post

This is a quick blog that we're setting up for our children Ali and Lily. Hopefully if we can get to it regularly it will be a cool way for grandparents, aunts, uncles and friends to stay in touch with the kids.

Blog Archive