cottleston news

Wednesday, February 6, 2008

Playcentre Resumes

Our neighbour 'Wayne the farmer' was moving cows past our gate this morning. We went up to get Buddy who was barking his head off and liable to start a stampede. Wayne introduced us to Oscar, a 2 yr old ex calf club cow who was very keen to say hello and get a pat. Lily thought it was a bit scary to see a cow quite that close up although she likes to watch them across the paddock

Today was Ali and Lily's first day back at Playcentre for the year. The girls had fun catching up with friends that they missed over the holidays. Lily had missed the water trough and the paint in particular. Mum was busy catching up with the paperwork, planning for the term ahead, and catching up with all the gossip of course.

This afternoon Lily and Ali played together making "dinner" out of sand with their tea set and pretend kitchen.

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