cottleston news

Sunday, June 27, 2010

What have we been up to? Whatipu!

Here are some very late pictures from Granny Rosies' birthday at Whatipu on the wild west coast just out of Auckland. All the cousins were there and we went for a big walk along the beach in some very doubtful weather. The boy lying in the grass is cousin Jordy.

Sunday, June 6, 2010

Blah blah blah

When it's really wet and windy we like to go for a big walk on the beach with the local Forrest and Bird Society lady and look for dead creature to take a photo of :-)

When it's sunny we go picking mushrooms in the neighbour's paddock. Mum gets some exercise lifting the kids over the electric fence :-)

Oma and Opa John like to play tug-of-war with people much smaller and lighter than themselves, I think it helps them to feel fit and strong :-)

Ali and Lily enjoyed their haircuts. And snuggling up together in bed.

When it's raining you should always do your gardening in mismatching swimming togs!

Friday, June 4, 2010

Butterfly Time

Lily and Ali think the only reason butterflies hatch is so you can put them on your head and take photos like we did last year.