cottleston news

Sunday, March 30, 2008


Nobody in Whangarei has a USB cable to replace our faulty one so we've ordered a new one over that new fangled interweb thingi - trademe. So we should have pics again in a few days.

It's been a busy weekend, Mum went into town shopping by herself, Dad went for a surf and a fish, the girls got to go to the beach two days running. There was plenty of cleaning, washing, cooking and moving of chickens. Tadpole expeditions, Baking of brownies, Hunting bugs in the vege garden, and building blocks seemed to take up the rest of the time.

Tommorrow, Ali is off to daycare and Mum is down to Ak with Lily to see Opa in his new placement. Poor Dad will be working hard as per usual.

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