cottleston news

Wednesday, March 5, 2008


Ali chucked a nana this morning when we couldn't reach an agreement over what clothes were appropriate to wear to Mainly Music so we stayed home instead. It turned out to be a great decision. Ali and Lily played with the playdough at the bench together so nicely anyone would think they were sisters. When Lily had her nap Ali and Mum did the Sesame Street number puzzle together (Ali can count to 10 all by herself but she starts to go astray at eleventeen). Ali was super helpful drying the dishes as Mum was washing. She said "I love helping you Mummy".

When Lily woke up we walked up the road to Burnice's house for a tupperware party. Ali found it a bit boring until Pinty the dog and Sooty the cat turned up to play with. Lily played gently with the animals too.

Daddy was home when we came back and the girls were very pleased to see him. They all enjoyed holding hands and bouncing on the trampoline together singing "See saw majorie daw".

Ali has a new pet this evening, a medium size friendly looking bug called tinkerbell. Lets hope she doesn't kill this one with kindness:-)

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